Notes and annotations, presentational material and resolved outcomes produced by Streams participants,
in response to the exhibition TABLEAU RETRO by Ailish Treanor (25.06.22 - 10.09.22)
- Sinitta Beadle
- Jill Howitt
- Kathryn Allen
- Sinitta Beadle
- Sinitta Beadle
- Sinitta Beadle
- Sinitta Beadle
- Sarah Pennington, 'Where Are You Keeping Me?' Exercise
- Alexander Stubbs
- Alexander Stubbs
- Alexander Stubbs
- Ideas Sculpture
- Ideas Sculpture
- Thomas Robinson, 'Where Are You Keeping Me?' Exercise
- Liz Rymer, 'Where Are You Keeping Me?' Exercise
- Thomas Robinson
- Thomas Robinson
- Layla Ewen (Live Streams Activity)
- Lauren Saunders
- Ideas Sculpture
- Jill Howitt
- Lauren Saunders
- Lauren Saunders
- Thomas Robinson
- Liz Rymer
- Layla Ewen (Live Streams Activity)
- Layla Ewen (Live Streams Activity)
- Jill Howitt
- Jill Howitt
- Matt Fratson (Live Streams Transcript-Poem)
- Sinitta Beadle
- Ideas Sculpture
- Matt Fratson
- Alexander Stubbs
- Layla Ewen (Live Streams Activity)
- Alexander Stubbs
- Ideas Sculpture
- Ideas Sculpture
- Session One Presentation Slides, Jill Howitt
- Jill Howitt