“This painting is titled (Dis)connected. It very overtly explores certain social media services and modern societal issues around mental health, specifically loneliness. I’m interested in how we are more connected than ever in human history, yet somehow more lonely.”
“This piece is called Reflection (Send < > Receive). With this work, I wanted to explore those simple actions (sending and receiving) and the movement from giver to recipient. With this in mind, my intention here is to guide the viewer from one side of the canvas to the other and then to prompt reflection on what is at the origin and at the destination.”
“This last piece is called Windows. A comparison can be made between the screen of a device (smartphone, tablet etc.) and a window. Through both, we only ever see a small part or a whole, never the entire picture beyond. Isolated, that small part can be misleading. If we take this to be a truism, what does that mean for all the communication we “send and receive’ with one another via the screen? Or for the information we receive? Within the work, the phrase ’The beauty is in the intent’ refers to my own musings on communication itself.”
Fonda in a painter and poet based in Hull.
“Working predominantly (but not exclusively) with acrylic paint, I prefer abstract or impressionistic styles, as I feel this allows me to express more complicated feelings and emotions. This is extremely important to me, as the desire to express that which words fail is what I aspire to, and is what compels me to create.”